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“If you want to run, run a kilometer, if you want to change your life, run a marathon” said Emil Zatopek, the emblematic Czechoslovakian long-distance runner with multiple Olympic gold medals.

The marathon is the sports myth par excellence. You challenge yourself, you test your limits, you evolve and you get the best out of yourself every time. Pleasure, performance or challenge, the queen distance leaves no runner indifferent! In order to prepare it well, rigor, training and planning are nevertheless necessary to avoid a painful disappointment. Follow our guide to help you through this ordeal!

How to eat well before and during a marathon?

According to various studies, a marathon runner spends an average of one calorie per kilogram per kilometer run.

From this point of view, a 70 kg runner spends about 1 x 70 x 42 = 2940 kcal during his marathon. This value shows the importance of nutrition during exercise but also its predominance in the preparation: without a structured and healthy diet, no performance! For this reason, it is essential to monitor this parameter throughout the training cycle.

To tackle this crucial stage with peace of mind, we advise you to avoid “Scandinavian”-type dissociated diets, which lead to premature exhaustion, promote injury and often generate harmful intestinal stress. In the weeks leading up to the race, eat healthily without too many deviations, and avoid over-consumption of sugar, saturated fats and alcohol. In the money time (from D-7 onwards), here are some ideas for applying good practices:

Une semaine avant le marathon

Evitez les excès, choisissez une alimentation variée, saine et modérée. Il est trop tard pour commencer un régime. Mangez à votre faim, tous types d’aliments, mais limitez le plus possible les sucres rapides. L’alcool est également à bannir de la table.

Une semaine avant le marathon

3 jours avant le marathon

Augmentez progressivement votre apport glucidique sans pour autant exagérer. Intégrez davantage de riz, pâtes, semoule et autres féculents à vos repas afin de créer les réserves suffisantes de « sucres lents » à vos muscles. Si votre entrainement a été régulier, votre corps devrait mettre à profit cette source d’énergie pour la restituer efficacement le jour J.

A J-1

Portez une attention particulière à votre hydratation et à la digestion. Hydratez votre corps en quantité et de manière régulière afin de prévenir les crampes lors de la course. De préférence, privilégiez les eaux riches en minéraux (potassium, magnésium, sodium etc) afin de limiter le risque de crampes lors de la course.

Découvrez la nutrition sportive

Marathon equipment

A training plan that matches your abilities and a healthy diet are the cornerstones of a successful marathon. However, another factor is essential to consider the 42 kilometers in all serenity: the equipment!

La bonne tenue de marathon